

164 results for miguel ouellette

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Liberté d’expression : la censure doit cesser

Montréal, le 29 septembre 2021 – Ce matin, de nouvelles données publiées par La Presse sont venues confirmer un constat pour le moins inquiétant : une majorité de professeurs d’université pratiquent l’autocensure. Nos chercheurs à l’Institut économique de Montréal ont souhaité chiffrer les pertes économiques associées à une diminution de la liberté d’expression au Québec.

How Can Quebec Become a Leader in Distance Learning?

The health measures adopted since the spring of 2020 have forced students to rediscover the pleasures of distance learning. Now that the necessary technological infrastructure is in place, is it feasible for Quebec universities to try to attract a larger international clientele? This publication examines how our universities could seize this new opportunity.

Quebec can become a leader in distance learning

Montreal, September 29, 2021 – The health measures adopted since the spring of 2020 have forced students to rediscover the pleasures of distance learning. Now that the necessary technological infrastructure is in place, is it feasible for Quebec universities to try to attract a larger international clientele? A publication launched today by the MEI examines how our universities could seize this new opportunity.

Taxer les épargnants n’est pas la solution

Les mesures politiques populistes comme l’augmentation de l’imposition des banques et des compagnies d’assurance ne génèrent habituellement qu’un revenu très superficiel pour l’État, mais engendrent des coûts importants pour les consommateurs et les épargnants.

Taxing savers is not the solution

Populist political measures like raising taxes on banks and insurance companies usually only generate very superficial revenues for government, but they entail substantial costs for consumers and savers.

Environmental Policies Should Be Adapted for Rural Canadians

For many years, governments have been piling measure upon measure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, all in an effort to fight climate change. This Economic Note published by the MEI analyzes the extent to which these public policies have a disproportionate impact on the country’s rural regions.

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