

164 results for miguel ouellette

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Throne speech: A leap into the unknown without a parachute

Montreal, September 23, 2020 – According to a Montreal Economic Institute analyst, the measures announced today by the federal government in its throne speech will not pave the way for a solid economic recovery after months of severe, generalized lockdown of the Canadian economy.

The CFS: A Measure That Will Hurt Canada’s Economic Recovery

The federal government will soon publish the new Clean Fuel Standard (CFS). Although this reform has attracted less attention from the general public than the imposition of a carbon tax, it is once again Canadian manufacturing companies and consumers who will feel its effects. This Montreal Economic Institute publication shines a light on the unintended consequences of the CFS.

Education: Getting our money’s worth

Montreal, August 29, 2019 – The MEI is launching a publication today showing that education spending increased considerably between 2006 and 2016, even though the number of students in public schools went down. One has to wonder if the situation is sustainable in the long run, especially given that the number of students has rebounded since 2016 and will continue to grow substantially in the coming years.

Education: Controlling Spending While Improving Quality

When it comes to education, successive Quebec governments have rarely been shy to brag about their “investments.” Especially in recent years, education has often been one of the favourite themes of the various political parties. Knowing that this file represents the second largest item in the province’s budget, and that education spending is expected to keep growing, two questions arise: Is this growth sustainable, and is there a way to do things differently?

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