

164 results for miguel ouellette

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Il faut protéger notre liberté d’expression

Au cours des dernières années, un mouvement important de censure s’est établi au sein des médias, du milieu académique et de la population en général. Pourquoi doit-on s’inquiéter de ce mouvement?

Canada Must Do More to Protect and Encourage Freedom of Expression

A climate of censorship seems to be taking hold on our university campuses, within our cultural institutions, and even among the general public. This new puritanism hurts the economy and makes Quebecers poorer. Indeed, this publication shows that we would be richer if we had even more freedom of expression.

Freedom of expression: Censorship is expensive

Montreal, January 14, 2021 – A climate of censorship seems to be taking hold on our university campuses, within our cultural institutions, and even among the general public. This new puritanism hurts the economy and makes Quebecers poorer. Indeed, a new publication launched today by the Montreal Economic Institute shows that we would be richer if we had even more freedom of expression.

Mini-budget: The MEI launches its Federal Debt Clock

Montreal, December 1st, 2020 – With Ottawa announcing a deficit of nearly $400 billion, the MEI believes it is pertinent to show, in real time, the consequences of this mounting debt for Canadian citizens. The debt is over $1,048 billion, the equivalent of $33,865 per taxpayer. From now until the end of the fiscal year in March 2021, the debt will increase by $1 billion a day or $41 million an hour.

Apprendrons-nous à apprécier le «Big Pharma»?

Certains peuvent trouver indécent qu’une entreprise fasse plus de 50 milliards $ en chiffre d’affaires annuellement. Et alors? N’est-ce pas là un signe que leurs produits sont appréciés des patients et que la demande est présente?

Mini-budget: Quebec must stay the course on budgetary balance

Montreal, November 12, 2020 – The Quebec government must recommit itself as soon as possible to balanced budgets and promote renewed economic activity in those sectors most affected by the pandemic, says the MEI. Quebec must also avoid the temptation to involve itself too directly in the economy by arbitrarily subsidizing one company rather than another.

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