3-minute read
Quebec’s reckless pace of ill-advised change
The general strong drift toward more statism and more socialism is unmistakably clear in Quebec.
1-minute read
L’exode caché
The effects of a tax increase for the rich.
4-minute read
Travaille et tais-toi! Une hausse d’impôt mal avisée
Do tax increases discourage the wealthy from working hard?
4-minute read
Réfléchir avant d’intervenir
Fiscal measures may hinder economic growth.
5-minute read
Lettre à madame Marois
Letter to the new Prime Minister of Quebec.
4-minute read
Pension funds dragging down cities
Canadian municipalities and their employees' pension funds.
4-minute read
« Il faut taxer davantage les riches! »
Do rich people pay enough taxes in Quebec?
4-minute read
Canada’s pension plan straitjacket
Defined-benefit private pension plans.
4-minute read
Taxer les riches les fait fuir
The effects of a tax increase for the rich.
3-minute read
Party’s over for Euro welfare state
Why Europe is in such an economic mess.