6-minute read
Les voitures électriques : buzzword ou solution réelle?
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by subsidizing electric cars.
3-minute read
Subsidizing Electric Cars Is a Waste of Money
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by subsidizing electric cars.
1-minute read
Do We Need to Subsidize the Purchase of Electric Cars?
While there were only 100,000 electric cars in the world at the beginning of 2012, the number of units on the road passed the 400,000 mark in early 2014. The subsidies offered by various governments have had a lot to do with this very rapid increase. These are motivated in large part by reduction targets for greenhouse gases (GHGs) and for the consumption of petroleum products. In Canada, the transportation sector emits nearly a quarter (24%) of all GHGs. This is why Ontario and Quebec are proposing incentives to electrify personal transportation.
3-minute read
Les 3 angles morts de l’IRIS sur la dette
The effects of high debt levels in Quebec.
5-minute read
Commission Robillard: les entreprises agricoles au régime minceur
The Rapport Robillard sur la révision des programmes.
3-minute read
Trop taxer est nocif pour la santé
To what extent should tobacco products be taxed?
1-minute read
Viewpoint – What Effect Do Payroll Taxes Have on Workers?
Of all the components of taxation in Quebec, payroll taxes are without a doubt the least well-known among the general public. While employees may indeed notice a discrepancy between what they receive and what their employers pay out, it is difficult to fully understand the reasons for this. Nor do employees know the magnitude of the sums that their employers must pay to the taxman in addition to the salaries they are paid. This Viewpoint aims to clarify the issue of payroll taxes in order to better grasp their impact on the remuneration of workers.
4-minute read
Réduire la masse salariale de l’État québécois… tout en haussant les salaires!
How to restore public finances in Quebec?
4-minute read
Un « vrai » régime minceur est inévitable, et nécessaire
The abolition of Centres locaux de développement and of Conférences régionales des élus.
7-minute read
Taxer le tabac? Bien sûr, mais jusqu’à quel point?
To what extent should tobacco products be taxed?