4-minute read
Loyalty program critics protect you from yourself
Regulating credit card loyalty programs would have unintended consequences that would harm consumers.
6-minute read
Et si Bombardier échouait?
Bombardier is experiencing financial difficulties.
13-minute read
Are Loyalty Programs Bad for Consumers?
Today, 89% of Canadians adhere to at least one loyalty program (also called a reward program), and 41% adhere to a program that is connected to a credit card. In other cases, such programs are connected to stand-alone loyalty cards or smartphone applications. Many critics maintain that these programs do not really offer any benefits for consumers, and suggest that they should be regulated. What is the truth of the matter, and what effects have such regulations had in countries that have adopted them?
4-minute read
Où est le vrai Robin des Bois quand nous avons besoin de lui?
Robin Hood and the consequences of a high level of taxation.
5-minute read
Les déficits ne stimuleront pas l’économie
Should Ottawa run large deficits in order to "stimulate" the Canadian economy?
6-minute read
Les inégalités qui comptent vraiment
The inequalities that impede social mobility.
5-minute read
Le Danemark, plus près du libre marché que du socialisme
The lessons to draw from the Danish model.
4-minute read
Oxfam wealth statistics are dishonest and meaningless
The latest incarnation of the Oxfam Global Wealth Statistics report.
5-minute read
Les déficits de Justin Trudeau et la Marie-Antoinette de Coppola
Public spending does not stimulate the economy.
3-minute read
Denmark: Not As Socialist (Nor As Successful) As You Think
The lessons to draw from the Danish model.