7-minute read
Viewpoint – Is Ontario the New Quebec?
For decades, Quebec’s economy and the state of its public finances have been judged in comparison with Ontario. Catching up with its neighbour was a worthwhile goal, promoted by many. Over the past few years, the differences between the two most populous provinces have indeed been reduced. However, while the picture has improved somewhat in Quebec, including recent fiscal prudence on the part of the government, this narrowing of the gap does not so much reflect Quebec’s good performance as it does Ontario’s gradual decline.
6-minute read
L’Ontario adopte les mauvaises habitudes du Québec
Ontario is following the Quebec model with increasingly high levels of spending, taxation and indebtedness.
4-minute read
More debt and poorer for it: Ontario is the new Quebec
Ontario is following the Quebec model with increasingly high levels of spending, taxation and indebtedness.
6-minute read
Remplacer les policiers par des agents de sécurité: Toronto s’y met aussi
Subcontracting certain auxiliary tasks performed by police officers to security agents would allow a reduction in the cost of police services.
5-minute read
Le surplus budgétaire du Québec : une opportunité pour baisser les taxes, pas pour dépenser plus
Quebec now has a budget surplus.
3-minute read
Province has tossed out a tried and tested recipe for success
Deficits have eroded Alberta's advantage.
4-minute read
Quebec Budget Surplus: Time To Lower Taxes, Not Spend More
Quebec now has a budget surplus.
5-minute read
Nous avons accumulé près de 16 % de notre dette publique totale… en 7 ans!
The Quebec public sector's debt.
5-minute read
Surplus jugés indécents: ou pourquoi vos impôts grimpent-ils sans cesse
Reactions to Quebec facing a budgetary surplus.
5-minute read
Pourquoi les joueurs de hockey ont-ils de si gros salaires?
Why do hockey players make so much money?