3-minute read
Even With Low Interest Rates, Federal Deficits Are A Concern
The federal deficit is rising, far beyond what was projected in the Liberal's election platform.
7-minute read
Viewpoint – Do Low Interest Rates Justify Deeper Deficits?
The federal deficit is rising, far beyond the $10 billion projected in the Liberal platform. It is widely repeated that now is a good time to borrow since interest rates are very low. Those who use this argument to justify borrowing forget that interest charges are not the only cost associated with deficits. This Viewpoint presents five alternative ways of thinking about the cost of deficits and infrastructure spending.
3-minute read
Finalement, oui, vous payez trop cher votre vin
The SAQ is lowering the prices on several of its products.
5-minute read
Ayons le gouvernement à l’œil ! (la suite)
Brief analysis of spending and debt control.
6-minute read
1800 programmes de subventions, ce n’est pas assez ?
Quebec wants to develop the economy and entrepreneurship.
3-minute read
Que faire du surplus budgétaire?
Quebec announces an economic update.
6-minute read
Pas de sang sur les murs des ministères
Budget cuts versus citizen services.
4-minute read
Dette du Québec – Le Québec, province la plus endettée du Canada
The size of the Quebec public debt.
5-minute read
Au diable les dépenses!
Government spending and policies to stimulate the economy.
4-minute read
Bixi : cessons de pédaler dans le beurre
Montreal taxpayers lost more than 19 million $ in the BIXI adventure.