5-minute read
L’Ontario se lance dans le revenu minimum garanti
Ontario is moving forward with a pilot project for a basic income program.
4-minute read
Y aurait-il du vélo sans BIXI?
Is Bixi worth $60 million?
7-minute read
Viewpoint – How Much Has Bixi Cost Montrealers?
The Bixi bike-sharing system will soon start its ninth season. Since its creation in the spring of 2009, Bixi has survived thanks to public funds. What does the bill add up to for Montreal taxpayers? If the goal was to promote the use of bicycles and active transportation, could the funds allocated to this service have been better spent?
4-minute read
No, Bixi Montreal is not profitable
Is Bixi worth $60 million?
6-minute read
Répétez: il n’y a pas eu d’austérité au Québec
The government must control its expenditures.
4-minute read
La CSN prône « l’austérité »… Surprenant mais vrai !
The CNTU has decide to cut spending and lay off workers.
6-minute read
BIXI vaut-il 60 millions ?
Is Bixi worth $60 million?
4-minute read
Ontario trumps Quebec in race for wasteful electric-car subsidies
Ontario has just designed and implemented a wasteful electric-vehicle subsidy policy.
4-minute read
L’État « austère » qui grossit, grossit…
The 2017-2018 provincial budget, the austerity and the debt.
8-minute read
Viewpoint – The 2017 Budget: Quebec Must Keep Its Promise to Reduce Taxes
In the coming days, the Quebec government will unveil its 2017-2018 budget plan. For the 2016 fiscal year, it has so far accumulated a budget surplus of $2.3 billion. One of the Liberal Party’s electoral promises was to allocate half of surpluses to tax reductions. This would be most welcome, since as shown in this Viewpoint, taxes and contributions to the public treasury have been on the rise since the beginning of the decade.