

The capital gains tax hike will hurt the middle class

The Trudeau government insists the capital gains tax hike will only hit 0.13% of Canadians. In reality, it will impact many people selling lifetime assets for retirement, like a plex. This isn’t just about the ultra-rich; it’s a tax on hard-earned retirements.

La taxe fédérale sur l’investissement

La prochaine fois que l’on vous dira que les riches devraient payer leur juste part, commencez par demander qui sont vraiment « les riches ». Il est bien possible qu’un jour ce soit vous.

IEDM – Peut-on réformer l’État québécois? – Gabriel Giguère

Is the state obese? Are there too many civil servants? Is the solution to the problems of our health and education systems to always inject more public funds? Can and should the welfare state be reformed? Should we subsidize foreign companies with public funds? As part of the tabling of the provincial budget, interview (in French) with Gabriel Giguère, Senior Policy Analyst at the MEI, broadcast on June 13, 2024 as part of the podcast Idées en évolution.

Economic Freedom Reduces Poverty: The Canadian Experience

A lighter regulatory and tax burden would have reduced the number and the length of episodes of poverty in Quebec, shows this study published by the MEI. “The economic literature is very clear: the weight of regulation and taxes has a negative impact on economic growth, and ultimately on social mobility,” explains Vincent Geloso, senior economist at the MEI.

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