

The Wealthy Already Pay Their Fair Share

With governments looking for ways to maybe balance their budgets, some political parties, both provincial and federal, have dug up the not-so-unfamiliar idea of a wealth tax.

Les riches ne paient pas d’impôts? Vraiment?

Si certains riches réussissent peut-être à éviter de payer l’impôt sur le revenu grâce à diverses manœuvres (légales ou non), je peux vous assurer que plusieurs en paient, et une claque à part ça!

Quebec Must Set Up a Standing Expenditure Review Committee

The return to a balanced budget in the medium term is necessary, and it must be achieved by controlling governmental expenditures. One way to do this is to set up a standing expenditure review committee, as the federal government did following the financial crisis of 2008-2009, shows this publication.

How Does the Trump Administration’s Budgetary Record Compare?

As he takes office, President Joe Biden is inheriting a health crisis, an economic crisis compared by some to the 1929 crisis, and mismanaged public finances. This Economic Note sketches a picture of the budgetary policy of President Trump, under whose management the federal government’s debt grew by 36%.

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