

Il n’y a pas que le PQ qui fait fausse route!

Dans une lettre d’opinion publiée mardi, deux étudiants en économie se portent à la défense du statu quo gouvernemental, à savoir que celui-ci ne doit pas venir en aide aux familles québécoises.

Free Stuff Isn’t Free

Taxpayers will be stuck with the bill for this endless government spending. The sound management of public finances is not just a concept, but an absolute necessity for the well-being of the population.

Amazon: laissons les consommateurs choisir

Amazon figure aujourd’hui parmi les plateformes transactionnelles préférées des Québécois. Le ministre de l’Économie du Québec se dit inquiet et compte concurrencer cette plateforme avec Le Panier Bleu.

The Capital Gains Tax and Inflation: How to Favour Investment and Prosperity

The inflation rate in Canada has been rising constantly for several months now. Expansionary monetary policies, as well as the economic sanctions accompanying the Russia-Ukraine war, suggest that significant inflation may be with us for the medium to long term. High inflation erodes consumers’ purchasing power, and also has a negative impact on Canadian taxpayers—including through the capital gains tax, an issue the MEI’s researchers examined in this publication.

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