

Taxation and the Role of the State: A Report Card on the Charest Government

April 2007 will mark the fourth anniversary of Jean Charest’s election as premier of Quebec. In the autumn prior to the election, a Quebec Liberal party congress had adopted an “Action Plan for the Next Liberal Government.” A year after the election, the new government published a “Modernization Plan.” Has the Liberal government kept the promises it made in those proposals? This Economic Note presents a summary of its achievements, with a particular focus on its promises to provide tax relief and to reduce the role of the state.

Liste exhaustive des impôts payés par les contribuables québécois

Établir une liste des impôts est une tâche complexe non seulement à cause des problèmes méthodologiques et à cause de la prolifération des prélèvements de toutes sortes, mais également à cause d’une raison typologique. Des prélèvements à taux différents (TVQ générale et TVQ sur les véhicules hybrides, taxe sur les spiritueux artisanaux et non artisanaux, multiples exceptions à l’imposition des gains de capitaux, etc.) sur une matière fiscale qui peut sembler homogène constituent-ils un seul ou plusieurs impôts? C’est une question indécidable qui, à elle seule, rendrait impossible de dresser une liste littéralement «exhaustive» des impôts dans toute leur diversité (ou leur fouillis).

Are business subsidies efficient?

Although subsidies are often criticized for their undesirable economic effects and for the way they discriminate in favour of particular sectors or firms, they maintain a strong presence in our economy. Governments not only seem incapable of trimming them but tend to invest in new forms of business assistance that are subtler and harder to evaluate, leaving them less open to reproach. The concept of subsidies includes not only direct dollar transfers but also other forms of aid that do not involve actual disbursements or that are considered as investment rather than spending. While disbursements are easy to measure, other types of subsidy are merely implicit, and precise data on their extent are often unavailable.

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