4-minute read
Pour croître à nouveau, l’industrie des ressources doit être libre d’agir
The natural resources sector's tax and regulatory burden.
4-minute read
The risk of government sticking its fingers in the electric socket
Regulating electricity prices.
3-minute read
Quand des syndicalistes jouent aux capitalistes
The federal tax credit for labor-sponsored funds.
4-minute read
Governments Should Not Set the Minimum Wage
Price controls and their consequences.
3-minute read
Want lower food prices? Do away with soviet-style farming
The costs of supply management in Canada.
6-minute read
Viewpoint – Canada’s Harmful Supply Management Policies
The ongoing Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations between 12 Pacific Rim nations, including Canada, are raising concerns among defenders of supply management policies for Canada’s dairy, poultry, and egg industries. The federal government is undoubtedly feeling pressure at the negotiating table to modify the system. But rather than making cosmetic alterations to placate our international trading partners, it could instead seize this opportunity to put a definitive end to Canada's anachronistic supply management policies.
5-minute read
Pour ou contre la taxe sur le carbone?
The cost of a carbon tax.
4-minute read
Shale Gas Opponents Are Committed to the Unrealizable Goal of Zero Risk
Exploiting shale gas vs. certain levels of risk.
4-minute read
Le jugement Chaoulli: un rendez-vous manqué
The timid health care reforms adopted in Quebec over the past decade.
4-minute read
Airbnb concerns overblown
Governments regulating online home-sharing services.