5-minute read
Un anachronisme nommé SAQ
SAQ : The end of a monopoly?
13-minute read
The Dilemma of Taxing Online Purchases
When Canadian consumers buy goods or services from retailers located outside their province, or outside Canada, it is very difficult to collect sales taxes on these transactions. Taxes on a certain portion of such purchases in other provinces and countries therefore go uncollected. The fact that these purchases are less expensive puts local online retailers, as well as brick-and-mortar retailers, at a disadvantage, as they are faced with a kind of unfair competition. Governments are also deprived, at first glance, of substantial revenues.
3-minute read
Uber et Téo: l’industrie du taxi va de l’avant
The benefits of ride-sharing applications.
5-minute read
Pour réduire l’évasion fiscale, il faut réduire les taux d’imposition
Taxing the rich is not the solution to tax evasion.
5-minute read
Services policiers : le privé en renfort!
Subcontracting certain auxiliary tasks performed by police officers to security agents would allow a reduction in the cost of police services.
2-minute read
Practical Guide to the Economics of Climate Change: The Paris Conference and Its Aftermath
The Paris Conference that opens on November 30, 2015, is drawing plenty of attention to the fight against climate change, an issue that blends political rhetoric, economic logic and climate science. The aim of this Research Paper is to make key climate change concepts easier to understand as well as to put the mechanisms discussed here in a Canadian context and to base public policy choices on the most relevant facts.
6-minute read
Airbnb : doit-on faire la chasse aux petits revenus d’appoint?
Quebec cracks down on Airbnb-style home-rental services.
5-minute read
Cinq innovations que vous ne retrouverez pas à la SAQ
Innovative specialized services are revolutionizing the way people consume wine.
4-minute read
De nouvelles taxes ne rendront pas le Plateau-Ferrandez plus accueillant aux entreprises
The impact of a new tax on vacant premises.
3-minute read
High Taxes Have Created Brain Drain in France
The consequences of a heavy tax and bureaucratic burden.