IEDM – Est-ce le début de la privatisation à la SAQ? – Mathieu Bédard
August 25, 2017 | 39 min. 42 sec. | Isabelle (98,5FM) Interview (in French) with Mathieu Bédard, Economist at the MEI, about […]
5-minute read
ALÉNA: la «balance commerciale» empoisonne l’esprit des politiciens
The concept of trade balance.
4-minute read
Don’t Be Misled By Politicians’ Trade Balance Rhetoric
The concept of trade balance.
4-minute read
Peut-on libéraliser le secteur agricole?
The renegotiation of NAFTA and Supply management.
4-minute read
Quand l’État lessive nos entrepreneurs
When the State replaces the private sector.
7-minute read
Viewpoint – Does Agricultural Prosperity Require Supply Management?
In order to justify the continued existence of supply management, producers’ associations state that they could not actually compete on the American market, and that without this system, they would even lose their shares of the domestic market. This Viewpoint aims to show that on the contrary, it is possible for Canadian farmers to be successful on the world market, without benefiting from such protectionist measures.
4-minute read
Bois d’œuvre : éviter un conflit coûteux est encore possible
The cost of the softwood lumber dispute between Canada and the United States.
5-minute read
Trade Barriers Between Provinces Cost You More Than You Think
The cost of trade barriers between provinces.
5-minute read
Les barrières au commerce interprovincial diminuent les salaires des Canadiens
Barriers to trade between Canadian provinces.
5-minute read
C’est la liberté économique, stupide!
Increasing economic freedoms to reduce inequality.