

Comeau Case – Canadian Opinion Survey

Though few Canadians have heard of New Brunswick man Gérard Comeau’s case, which the Government of New Brunswick has appealed to the Supreme Court of Canada, a majority of people have a clear view on who should win.

Viewpoint – Access to Medication: Preserving a Fragile Balance

While Health Canada is preparing to completely change the way maximum prices for new drugs are established, it seems that little attention is being paid to the impact of this kind of public policy on the availability of new drugs. Yet similar policies are responsible for quite unenviable situations in certain countries.

Wireless Services: Should Regulation Favour Resellers?

The Canadian government and the CRTC have adopted various policies over the past decade aimed at increasing the number of players in the wireless sector. Although such policies have had several negative consequences, there is today a well-established fourth wireless provider, owning its own infrastructure, in almost all regions of the country. Ottawa now wants to push this interventionist logic even further by favouring resellers (called Mobile Virtual Network Operators, or MVNOs, in telecom jargon). Would such a policy bring more competition to the telecommunications industry and the intended benefits to consumers?

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