IEDM – Ottawa doit simplifier la Loi de l’impôt – Kevin Brookes
Interview (in French) with Kevin Brookes, Associate Researcher at the MEI, about the Canadian tax system that has become much too complicated and costly to administer. Broadcast on April 10, 2019, on the LCN Mario Dumont show.
IEDM – Consultations particulières et auditions publiques sur le projet de loi no 17
Presentation by Vincent Geloso, Ph.D., Professor of Economics, King’s University College, and Associate Researcher at the MEI, and Germain Belzile, Senior Lecturer, HEC Montréal, and Senior Associate Researcher at the MEI, as part of the Committee on Transportation and the Environment, in Quebec City.
4-minute read
Filing a tax return in less than a million words
The Canadian tax system has become much too complicated and costly to administer.
12-minute read
Ottawa Should Simplify the Income Tax Act
Taxpayers always meet the months of March and April with some apprehension, as they will have to devote precious hours of their time to completing their income tax returns, or pay someone else to do it for them. Is it possible to make life easier for taxpayers by simplifying the tax system?
5-minute read
Assurance médicaments : les syndicats comprennent-ils vraiment ce qui est en jeu?
The debate over the nationalization of drug insurance.
7-minute read
Labour Shortage: What Is the Effect of Regulation?
We are constantly told that there is a shortage of labour in Canada. In 2018, the economy added 163,000 full-time jobs, and the unemployment rate fell to 5.6%, a historic low that can be qualified as full employment. The participation rate for people of prime working age, 25 to 54 years, is 87%. The winds are shifting on the labour market. Employers used to have the upper hand; now, it’s workers who have it.
3-minute read
R v Comeau and Interprovincial Free Trade: Canadian Opinion Survey
The Montreal Economic Institute (MEI) commissioned Ipsos to poll Canadians on their opinions regarding interprovincial free trade.
4-minute read
Inégalités : l’importance de poser les bonnes questions
The creation of the Observatoire québécois des inégalités.
7-minute read
How to Modernize the Taxi Industry
In Quebec, as in many other places in the world, a permit is required to provide taxi services. For a long time, this has led to a lack of competition and the resulting effects. The Quebec government will soon table a bill to modernize the taxi industry. On which principles should new regulation be based if it is also to serve as a framework for future innovations in the sector?
3-minute read
A New Canadian Partnership: The Promising Opportunity for Interprovincial Free Trade
A New Canadian Partnership for domestic free trade could produce economic benefits for Canadians that rival those of international free trade agreements. That’s the conclusion of Professor Ian Brodie, political scientist at the University of Calgary, in a new public policy study for the Montreal Economic Institute, the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies (AIMS) and the Canadian Constitution Foundation.