10-minute read
The CFS: A Measure That Will Hurt Canada’s Economic Recovery
The federal government will soon publish the new Clean Fuel Standard (CFS). Although this reform has attracted less attention from the general public than the imposition of a carbon tax, it is once again Canadian manufacturing companies and consumers who will feel its effects. This Montreal Economic Institute publication shines a light on the unintended consequences of the CFS.
10-minute read
Entrepreneurship and Universality: The Way Forward for Health Care in Alberta
Alberta’s legislature passed Bill 30, the Health Statutes Amendment Act, on July 29. Considering Alberta’s underperforming health care system, the proposed reforms amount to a small step in the right direction according to the authors of this publication by the Montreal Economic Institute.
4-minute read
Caribou forestier : le plan de sauvegarde proposé semble plus équilibré
Espérons que le plan de 2021 respectera réellement les engagements du ministre, ne laissera pas tomber le développement économique des régions et leur donnera la liberté nécessaire en termes d’activités économiques.
5-minute read
Intelligence artificielle: évitons son utilisation politique
Si nous ne faisons pas attention, l’IA peut être un outil de contrôle et de centralisation très efficace qui, entre des mains mal intentionnées, aurait des effets dévastateur.
4-minute read
Nos sociétés doivent retrouver le goût de la prise de risque
L’innovation est souvent le produit d’une prise de risque qui peut se terminer par un échec cuisant mais aussi comme une grande avancée.
5-minute read
Ending the Lockdown Depression
Lockdown measures were put in place hastily and, apparently, without considering their economic and social costs. In this publication, researchers attempt to quantify the impact of lockdown measures.
5-minute read
The worst-case scenario that closed Canada
Before midMarch, for most Canadians COVID-19 was a remote concern, with a single COVID-19 death in Canada, a B.C. man in his 80s with underlying health problems. Then, suddenly, the world changed.
4-minute read
What Would an “Intelligent Lockdown” Look Like in Canada?
Because COVID-19 is far less dangerous to the young than it is to the elderly or immune-comprised, and because generalized lockdowns are economically devastating, many countries have implemented targeted policies instead.
4-minute read
Are We Overestimating How Many Canadians Are Dying of COVID-19?
Every day, Canadians are informed via press conference of the number of new deaths attributed to COVID-19. This publication by the Montreal Economic Institute raises questions about the accuracy of these statistics.
6-minute read
Five Key Facts That Argue Against Continuing the Lockdown
The facts underlined here by this prestigious author have not been heard widely enough in the Canadian context. Yet the debate over generalized, compulsory lockdowns will no doubt remain active for quite some time.