4-minute read
Antitrust concern about big business underestimates customers’ power, and benefits
Going after the web giants just because of their bigness or to carry out some political agenda is misguided, as it would disincentivize incumbents to keep improving, and discourage potential rivals.
9-minute read
Second Time’s the Harm: Repeated Lockdowns Risk Turning a Temporary Downturn into an Ongoing Depression
The Quebec government has announced stricter lockdown rules before the holidays. Yet repeated lockdowns, even if partial, are likely to inflict the effects of an economic depression on SMEs rather than those of a simple recession. This Economic Note prepared by Peter St. Onge in collaboration with Maria Lily Shaw paints a worrisome picture.
3-minute read
Forcing telecom companies to share their networks is unfair
Bell and Quebecor are absolutely correct to denounce the notion promulgated by some according to which the owners of private telecom infrastructure should be forced to make their networks available to competitors.
4-minute read
Moins de protectionnisme sous un président Biden?
Avec la récente élection de Joe Biden chez nos voisins du Sud, peut-on réellement s’attendre à un président moins protectionniste qui facilitera le commerce avec notre pays?
4-minute read
Il faut débureaucratiser notre système de santé
Selon un sondage Ipsos commandé par l’IEDM, 75 % des Québécois croient que le système de santé est devenu trop bureaucratique pour s’adapter et répondre aux besoins de la population.
4-minute read
Canada should beware Joe Biden’s ‘Buy American’ mentality
Regardless of who sits in the Oval Office, it is hard to exaggerate how important trade with the United States is for Canada.
4-minute read
Canadian telecoms’ value for money is actually among the highest in the world
When considering the seductive appeal of paying less thanks to a government mandate, consider also what we might lose along the way.
3-minute read
The Canadian airline industry deserves to be supported now
When actions are taken in an attempt to protect the population as a whole, but the cost is borne disproportionately by one sector, then it is appropriate to indemnify that sector and spread the cost among all taxpayers.
4-minute read
Les Débats de l’IEDM : Le confinement en vaut-il le coût? (in French only)
A dialogue of the deaf has been going on for months now between those who support lockdowns and those who have doubts about their effectiveness. Both camps often display a lack of civility, with insults flying in all directions. It is therefore quite difficult to find a good summary of the arguments of both sides. It is with a view to addressing this lack and helping people make up their own minds that the MEI has prepared this debate between two experienced economists on the costs and benefits of lockdowns.
4-minute read
Importing hipster antitrust laws threatens our prosperity
Dethroning the sovereign consumer in favour of a set of ever-changing rules and regulations would undermine consumer power and welfare.