

Pharmaceuticals: Life-Saving Benefits That Pay for Themselves

Ottawa has the prices of drugs in its sights. On the one hand, it has made changes to the calculation method for the price ceilings imposed on drugs sold in Canada. On the other, the idea of national government pharmacare to replace the provinces’ mixed plans is still in the air. These ill-advised public policies could actually raise total health care spending, while threatening Canadians’ access to the best available treatments, shows this publication by the MEI.

Taxing the Tech Giants – Why Canada Should Not Follow the French Example

During the last federal election campaign, all parties promised to raise taxes on the digital giants. This publication shows that the so-called GAFA companies have been taxed at a level similar to or higher than large Canadian corporations, and that it will be consumers and the Canadian economy in general that would pay for such a measure.

Waiting for health-care reform

By one estimate, at any given moment, over one million Canadians — three per cent of the entire population — are waiting for a medical treatment.

Internal Trade Provincial Leadership Index

While Canada continues to negotiate free trade agreements with numerous countries, the provinces maintain obstacles to trade within our own borders. The MEI and the Canadian Constitution Foundation (CCF) have listed them from best to worst in a ranking of Canadian provinces and territories by their openness to internal trade.

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