

Forestry: A Sector That Keeps Innovating

Contrary to perceptions disseminated by certain of its opponents, the forestry industry continues to innovate, and increasingly contributes to the fight against climate change. In this publication, co-authors Olivier Rancourt and Miguel Ouellette provide a survey of some of the innovations implemented by this industry.

Banning blood buys is bad business

It has been urged by ethicists and economists, including two Nobel Prize winners, that bans on paying for plasma be rethought, as both the ethical and economic arguments against a compensatory model are weak.

Economic Freedom Leads to Greater Income Mobility

For several years now, a number of observers have noted a slowdown in economic and social mobility in Canada. While some try to establish a link between economic inequality and social mobility (that is, individuals’ potential to improve their lot), the reality is that bolstering economic freedom is a central piece of the puzzle. In this publication, authors Vincent Geloso and James Dean identify barriers to economic and social mobility that could easily be eliminated.

Allowing New Agricultural Models to Emerge

The rising prices of agricultural lands and the difficulties these pose to the next generation of farmers are a recurring topic in Quebec news media. Taking note of the situation, the Quebec government has tabled Bill 103.

Let’s defang Bill 96

Bill 96 needlessly sows confusion regarding the eligibility of hundreds of thousands of anglophone Quebecers to receive health care in English.

More Regulations, More Problems

You might think that a doctor in, say, Ontario would automatically be allowed to work in neighbouring Manitoba. But you would be wrong.

Le Roi Lion du protectionnisme

Si les leaders du gouvernement québécois croient réellement aux bénéfices de l’électrification des transports et font confiance aux entrepreneurs, qu’ils laissent place à la concurrence et s’abstiennent de décerner prématurément la médaille d’or à Lion Électrique plutôt qu’à une autre entreprise.

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