MEI – Could banning single use plastics do more harm than good? – Maria Lily Shaw
May 13, 2022 | 9 min. 35 sec. | The Elias Makos Show (CJAD AM) Interview with Maria Lily Shaw, Economist at […]
IEDM – Loto-Québec: il faut en terminer avec le monopole d’État – Gabriel Giguère
May 12, 2022 | 11 min. 53 sec. | Richard Martineau (QUB Radio) Interview (in French) with Gabriel Giguère, Public Policy Analyst […]
4-minute read
Interdiction du plastique: une mesure fédérale à recycler
Tout semble indiquer que le gouvernement fédéral ira de l’avant avec l’interdiction de certains produits en plastique à usage unique, ce qui serait une erreur de sa part.
8-minute read
Banning Plastic Products Will Not Protect the Environment
This MEI publication found that the federal government’s “zero plastic waste” policy puts it in opposition to current and potential innovations that are coming out of the plastics industry. The policy will hurt the economy without any guarantee of helping the environment.
4-minute read
Subsidizing public childcare centres is the wrong approach
In order to increase access to daycare services, Quebec recently announced the creation of 14,000 new subsidized daycare spaces over the next two years. But with 51,000 children on the waiting list for subsidized child care, there is not a single space available.
2-minute read
Organic food during a famine?
Two thirds of Canadians bought organic groceries on a weekly basis in 2020, but with the rising cost of food, families are having to make tough decisions at the cash register.
4-minute read
GNL Québec: un bel exemple de projet d’avenir mondial et régional
Dans un sondage commandé par l’IEDM et paru la semaine dernière, la firme Ipsos, réputée pour son sérieux, a constaté que le projet GNL Québec balayé du revers par les gouvernements provincial et fédéral trouve un appui de plus de la majorité de la population.
4-minute read
Security guards could make schools safer at less cost than police
If visibility and patrol in schools reduces crime, then acknowledging and utilizing the resources and support available through highly trained and qualified security personnel is an absolute must.
5-minute read
Doit-on sourire à l’idée d’un programme gouvernemental de soins dentaires?
L’un des éléments du dernier budget fédéral ayant fait couler le plus d’encre est définitivement le nouveau programme visant l’élargissement de la couverture publique des soins dentaires.
1-minute read
The Mirage of American Economic Nationalism
Economic nationalism unfortunately seems to be in vogue south of the border, and the latest Buy American provisions may have serious repercussions for Canadian manufacturers.