

Quebec’s Uncertain Energy Future

The end of Quebec’s electricity surplus is fast approaching, but the solutions proposed by the government are either too little or too late, concludes this study published by the MEI. “Hydro-Québec is heading towards a shortage of both energy and power as early as 2027, which complicates the problem,” says Gabriel Giguère, public policy analyst at the MEI and author of the study.

Workers Benefit not working for workers

By working, or working more, social assistance recipients lose a large portion of each new dollar they earn — to taxes, reduced income support and withdrawal of other in-kind benefits.

Bill 15: Quebec is centralizing again

Montreal, March 29, 2023 – The creation of the Santé Québec agency will reduce the autonomy of facilities and do nothing to keep nurses from leaving the profession, warns the Montreal Economic Institute following the tabling of Quebec’s Bill 15 on health care.

Learning to Be Patient: Emergency Room Wait Times Keep Rising Despite Promises

The median length of stay for a patient in an ER in Quebec was 5 hours and 11 minutes last year, according to this MEI study. With the exception of the 2020-2021 fiscal year, the median length of stay of an emergency room visit has been increasing for four years, going from 4 hours and 31 minutes in 2018 to 5 hours and 11 minutes last year.

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