3-minute read
Les États-Unis s’endettent, profitons-en!
Eliminate subsidy programs to come to the aid of businesses.
3-minute read
Maîtres chez nous
Hydro-Québec should give its profits back to the citizens.
3-minute read
Le gouvernement Charest a tort de suspendre la loi antidéficit
Le projet de loi 40 modifiant la Loi sur l’équilibre budgétaire.
4-minute read
Interventionnisme sauvage
The Quartier des spectacles project in Montreal.
1-minute read
Viewpoint on the debt of the Quebec government
The economy is slowing down. Government revenues are falling, with less tax being collected, and spending is on the rise because of higher program costs. Can the Quebec government’s finances hold up without unduly raising the debt? To get an answer, we need to find out where the government’s debt stands. For mere mortals, this is no easy task. Direct debt, total debt, gross debt, net debt, public sector debt… To figure it all out, we looked into the Quebec government’s debt, not to pass judgment on its size but to come up with objective data that can help identify potential dangers.
4-minute read
Quebec Inc. must embrace globalization – Incestuous, government-supported model is outdated
Quebec Inc. model is outdated.
4-minute read
Roi ou pantin?
The world financial crisis and our governments’ response.
4-minute read
François Legault a (parfois) raison…
The reduction of the businesses’ fiscal burden.
4-minute read
Pire que Madoff!
The Régie des rentes du Québec and the Madoff Affair.
1-minute read
How would the privatization of Hydro-Québec make Quebecers richer?
It is time to modify our strategy and obtain returns from Hydro-Québec worthy of the best Quebec businesses. As one government after another since 1944 has been either unwilling or unable to obtain acceptable financial results from Hydro-Québec, we must take inspiration from the British example and privatize Hydro-Québec. In our opinion, privatizing Hydro-Québec will quickly encourage its management to take the necessary measures to improve the firm’s productivity and financial results. This privatization will reap many benefits for Quebecers insofar as it will also be accompanied by a reform of the Régie de l’énergie’s role, and it will allow Quebecers to choose their electricity provider.