
Public Sector Reform

Viewpoint – The mandate of the CBC/Radio-Canada

The president and CEO of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), Hubert Lacroix, stated recently that the crown corporation had to "be something for, and mean something special to, every Canadian." In accordance with the mandate described in the latest version of the Broadcasting Act, adopted in 1991, Mr. Lacroix wants a wide range of programming that informs, enlightens and entertains. Yet the technological context and the Canadian broadcasting sector have undergone significant changes since 1991. Shouldn't the mandate of the CBC do likewise?

Equalization: Towards a Formula that Promotes Further Resource Development

The federal equalization program will distribute over $15 billion to the relatively "poorer" Canadian provinces in 2012-2013. The formula used to calculate the amounts to be paid out was significantly modified in 2007. In recent months, numerous criticisms have been expressed, which may be a sign of more contentious debates to come until the revision of the equalization formula in 2014.

Viewpoint – The federal government’s budget cuts

In its updated 2011 Budget tabled after the last election, the federal government announced a Strategic and Operating Review of its spending, the results of which will be unveiled when Finance Minister Jim Flaherty delivers his next budget on March 29.

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