
Public Sector Reform

La piste inexplorée

The positive effects of pedagogical autonomy and accountability of teachers and school principals on student results.

Pedagogical Autonomy and Accountability: A Recipe for Improving Academic Results

Giving teachers and school principals more control over course content and teaching methods, all while rewarding or penalizing them according to the consequences of their decisions, could improve academic results. When autonomy and accountability are jointly applied, students generally achieve better grades, even when standard of living variances are taken into account.

Viewpoint – Greek Tragedy: The Result of Longstanding Budgetary Irresponsibility

In discussions of the crisis in Greece, the issue of the responsibility of the Greeks for having gotten themselves into this situation is often ignored. The purpose of this Viewpoint is to remind readers that the Greek tragedy unfolding before our eyes did not happen overnight. Although surprising in its magnitude, this crisis is the result of a long history of budgetary deficits and of ruinous public spending decisions. Indeed, the Greek government has been living beyond its means for a very long time.

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