
Liberalization of Markets

Entrepreneurs Stepped Up in Response to COVID-19

For over a year now, the spotlight has been on governments and the actions they have taken in the context of the pandemic, sometimes obscuring the great contribution of entrepreneurs in maintaining a certain quality of life for Canadians in these difficult times. This publication lifts the veil on the efforts made by entrepreneurs to reinvent themselves, pick up the pace, and help us meet this challenge.

Solutions to Help Restaurateurs

The physical distancing measures in effect to slow the propagation of the coronavirus are hitting the restaurant industry hard. An MEI publication proposes solutions to help the sector.

Internal Trade Provincial Leadership Index

While Canada continues to negotiate free trade agreements with numerous countries, the provinces maintain obstacles to trade within our own borders. The MEI and the Canadian Constitution Foundation (CCF) have listed them from best to worst in a ranking of Canadian provinces and territories by their openness to internal trade.

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