
Liberalization of Markets

The proposed alliance between Air Canada and United Continental

Traditional airlines have had a lot of trouble remaining profitable over the past decade. In order to cut costs, they formed partnerships to coordinate ticket sales, flight schedules and baggage handling among other things, while simplifying connections. This need to reduce costs has become even more crucial with recent increases and constant fluctuations in the price of oil and with the greater competition stemming from the arrival of a large number of "low-cost" carriers onto the market.

The Neglected Potential of Medium Scale Hydroelectric Projects

Up until now, Quebec's hydroelectric production has mostly been associated with very large scale projects like the James Bay and Manicouagan dams. At the other extreme, the Quebec government has left the operation of small installations, 50 megawatts (MW) or less, to the private sector, which is experiencing increasing success at that level. However, an important portion of Quebec's hydroelectric potential remains unexploited: that of medium scale projects.

A Plea for a Quebec-Alberta Dialogue

In recent years, the sometimes strained, sometimes fruitful relationship between Quebec and Alberta has attracted a lot of attention. The issues raised by this relationship will have undeniable impacts on Quebec's future: equalization, the division of powers between Ottawa and the provinces, the energy future, climate change, etc. Despite the importance of these questions, the relationship between Quebec and Alberta has never been the object of extensive study.

Canada Post: Opening Up to Competition

After months of unsuccessful negotiations and conciliation talks, Canada Post workers voted by a margin of 94.5% in favour of going on strike at the end of May if they do not reach a negotiated settlement with their employer. The time is right to evaluate the costs that a postal service monopoly imposes on consumers and on the economy as a whole. To determine which reforms might lead to the best postal service at the best price, we should study the experiences of other countries.

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