
Liberalization of Markets

The Positive Role of Profit in the Field of Health Care

Few topics of public debate elicit more emotion in people than the role of the private sector in health care. It is often argued that profit has no place in this sector, especially when it comes to hospital care. Some people think that the profit motive would encourage "the cutting of corners," that profit would add to the cost of providing a service, or that for-profit medical facilities would avoid the more complex cases or those perceived to be "less profitable." Are these beliefs justified?

The State of Competition in Canada’s Telecommunications Industry – 2014

To the detriment of consumers across the country, the federal government has been encouraging artificial competition in the telecommunications industry for the past seven years. Fixated on the goal of promoting the emergence of a fourth wireless carrier in each of Canada's regional markets, the government has lost sight of the ultimate goal of promoting the development of a dynamic, efficient industry, according to this Research Paper.

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