
Liberalization of Markets

Viewpoint – The Comeau Case: The End of Provincial Trade Barriers?

The Canadian federation was founded in 1867 in part to ensure a common, unified market across the country. This ideal is enshrined in Section 121 of the Constitution. Yet while substantial trade does take place between the provinces, the dream of a truly unified market remains elusive. An important case about to be heard by the Supreme Court of Canada, though, may help bring down the barriers the provinces have erected to restrict trade over the years.

Comeau Case – Canadian Opinion Survey

Though few Canadians have heard of New Brunswick man Gérard Comeau’s case, which the Government of New Brunswick has appealed to the Supreme Court of Canada, a majority of people have a clear view on who should win.

How to Foster Entrepreneurship in Canada: The Teachings of the Austrian School of Economics

Everyone claims to favour entrepreneurship, but politicians routinely propose various programs to help entrepreneurs, when they should instead concentrate on getting rid of policies that discourage them. Indeed, the empirical literature shows that interventionist policies are detrimental to entrepreneurship. The Austrian School of Economics has much to teach us about the kinds of policies that truly encourage entrepreneurship and wealth creation, and thus how to improve public policies in Canada.

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