

The retirement age in Quebec: A worrying situation

The aging of the population and the impending mass retirement of the baby boom generation (those born between 1947 and 1966) have been generating plenty of ink lately. These are disturbing phenomena because of the economic and financial problems they risk creating, notably labour shortages and lower economic growth. Another result would be lower growth in government revenues just as requirements and spending levels are pushed higher, especially in the health care sector. The situation is particularly worrying in Quebec, for at least two reasons.

The minimum wage and labour market flexibility

The labour market is of fundamental importance in an economy, allocating human capital to its most productive uses. With the aim of protecting workers, however, governments have instituted various institutional constraints over the years, making this market less flexible. These rigidities have the effect of slowing job creation and pushing up unemployment. This is especially true of Quebec, with a labour market that is more highly regulated than elsewhere in North America – and with an unemployment rate that has consistently stood above the Canadian and American averages for the last 30 years.

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