5-minute read
Are Doctors Part of The Obesity Problem?
A global and non-coercive approach to fighting obesity.
5-minute read
Le gouvernement n’a pas sa place dans le garde-manger des Québécois
A global and non-coercive approach to fighting obesity.
1-minute read
Une taxe imbuvable!
The ineffectiveness of a soda tax.
4-minute read
Obésité: taxer les boissons sucrées n’est pas la solution
The ineffectiveness of a soda tax.
1-minute read
Oui au tourisme médical !
Medical tourism.
3-minute read
New Prescription Drugs Are Worth the Cost
The benefits of prescription drugs.
4-minute read
The High Cost of Low Prescription Drug Prices
Certain ill-advised public policies are contributing to the increased frequency of drug shortages.
2-minute read
What Canadians think about their health care system
As part of its annual Focus Canada national public opinion survey, the Environics Institute asked Canadians about the state of their health care system and support for financing reforms to make it more affordable over the longterm, updating trends going back a decade.
3-minute read
Misguided policies impact business
The ineffectiveness of a soda tax.
4-minute read
The Secret to the Swedish Model’s Success
The financing of health care in Sweeden.