
Health Care

Hospitals should be run by the experts, not politicians

By removing centralized political control, European countries have enabled independent non-profit hospitals to better allocate their funding to the care sectors with the most pressing needs rather than those that make for the best photo shoot.

Non-Profit Health Care: Taking Inspiration from Europe

Autonomous non-profit hospitals tend to perform better than government-run hospitals, shows this MEI study. “Interminable waits in Canadian hospitals show that our healthcare systems are struggling to deliver basic services to the population,” says Emmanuelle B. Faubert, economist at MEI and author of the study. “By allowing independent non-profit hospitals to open, our governments would help increase treatment capacity, to the benefit of patients.”

Telemedicine works. Don’t let government near it

The federal government has announced plans to “crack down” on telemedicine by forcing provinces to cover its costs. In addition to violating the constitutional division of powers, shifting telemedicine costs from private parties to the provinces is fiscally untenable.

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