
Health Care

Real Solutions for What Ails Canada’s Health Care Systems – Lessons from Sweden and the United Kingdom

The Quebec government, through Health Minister Christian Dubé, will soon present its plan to overhaul the health care system. The MEI is proud to unveil this major study by economist Maria Lily Shaw on the best practices of the health care systems of Sweden and the United Kingdom—two examples that Quebec should follow if it really wants its reforms to be successful.

Projet de loi 11: le mauvais remède à prescrire

S’il est vrai qu’il est grand temps pour une refonte du système de santé au Québec, une des premières étapes de cette transformation doit être l’augmentation de l’offre de services par des mesures qui élargissent le bassin de médecins.

IEDM – Des soins de qualité «B», vraiment? – Miguel Ouellette

Interview (in French) with Miguel Ouellette, Director of Operations and Economist at the MEI, about the Assistant Deputy Minister of Health, Lucie Opatrny, who recently mentioned that we will have no other choice but to provide “B instead of A+” health care. Broadcast on January 22, 2022 as part of the program Le Québec matin, on LCN-TV.

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