
Health Care

Reaction to the British Columbia court decision on the public health care monopoly

Montreal, July 15, 2022 – The British Columbia Court of Appeal issued a decision earlier today in the case pitting the Cambie Surgeries Corporation against the provincial government. Like the Chaoulli decision in Quebec, this case essentially turns on the freedom of choice of patients who want to be treated rapidly by health care entrepreneurs.

Les données doivent suivre le patient

Le Québec a désespérément besoin de mettre en place un écosystème de santé numérique moderne et robuste. Cela favorisera la santé des patients d’aujourd’hui et encouragera l’innovation pour offrir de meilleurs soins demain.

Improving Access to Health Data in Quebec

It is hard to believe that in 2022, health data is still being communicated between institutions and departments via fax in Quebec. According to this MEI publication, Quebec’s current system does not allow for an efficient flow of information that would benefit patients, and existing electronic health records lack vital information physicians need to make a proper treatment plan.

Quebec’s ailing health-care system

To ensure Quebec’s health-care system functions properly and is accessible to all, the province’s government needs to consider how best to increase the number of physicians in the province, and fast.

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