

Electricity, CCUS, and net-zero

A new report by the International Energy Agency states that to achieve the climate goals the federal government has committed to, Canada would need to double or triple the electrical power generated from non-GHG-emitting energy sources.

Clean tech is a great idea, Calgary

Calgary Chamber of Commerce CEO Deborah Yedlin has reiterated the importance of accelerating clean tech for Calgary’s energy sector and economic recovery.

Rescue Operations for a Shaky Mining Company

After having sunk $52 million of taxpayer funds into a company sheltered from its creditors, namely BlackRock Metals, Quebec’s CAQ government says it is ready to inject even more millions of public dollars to acquire a part of the company.

Forestry: A Sector That Keeps Innovating

Contrary to perceptions disseminated by certain of its opponents, the forestry industry continues to innovate, and increasingly contributes to the fight against climate change. In this publication, co-authors Olivier Rancourt and Miguel Ouellette provide a survey of some of the innovations implemented by this industry.

Meeting Canada’s Energy Needs (2021)

With COP26 just coming to a close in Glasgow, only 25% of Canadians (and 36% of Quebecers) are of the opinion that this conference helped find solutions to climate change. Health care and the economy clearly remain the top priorities for the Canadian population, and 65% of Canadians are not prepared to pay a single cent more to fight climate change.

Electric buses: Over $1,500 per tonne of GHG emissions avoided

Montreal, November 4, 2021 – With many policy-makers gathered in Glasgow for COP26, the Quebec government made a big show of announcing over $5 billion in spending for the purchase of electric city buses. According to the Montreal Economic Institute’s preliminary calculations, this would be one of the most expensive and least effective measures for reducing Quebec’s GHG emissions. Miguel Ouellette, Director of Operations and Economist at the MEI, had some thoughts on the matter.

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