

Some Overlooked Voices in the Shale Gas Debate

The possibility of developing shale gas in the St. Lawrence Lowlands caused quite a stir in Quebec between 2008 and 2012. In this public debate, the projects put forward for developing this resource did not pass the test of social acceptability. The voices of environmentalist groups, well-organized and omnipresent in the media, carried further than those of industry promoters. Between these two poles, there are also those who have natural gas wells on their land.

Viewpoint – Quebec’s Energy Choices: For Richer or Poorer?

Quebec is blessed in terms of the energy resources available on its territory. Most obviously, there is the province’s vast hydroelectric capacity, which produces 96% of its electricity. This month, the government made public a series of reports suggesting that it might soon be ready to move forward and allow oil development in the province. In light of this news, it is worth reconsidering some of Quebec’s energy choices to see which kinds of policies might enrich, rather than impoverish, Quebec taxpayers.

The Cree and the Development of Natural Resources

Northern Quebec overflows with mineral resources whose development could generate substantial economic activity. To derive benefits from these resources successfully, businesses, the government and local communities—many of which consist of Aboriginal populations—must collaborate in order for everyone to have an interest in the economic success of development projects.

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