

The Sharing Economy: Destroying Jobs Won’t Help Low-Income Workers

Will Canada import California’s job-killing experiment and risk putting freelance work out of the reach of Canadians who need it? This MEI publication shows that forcing companies to consider freelance workers as employees could reduce these workers’ incomes and deprive many of them of this first rung on the jobs ladder.

First Nations and natural resources: A different picture

Montreal, February 12, 2020 – Protests are taking place across the country as certain members of First Nations express their opposition to the Coastal GasLink energy project in British Columbia. Yet according to Germain Belzile, Senior Associate Researcher at the MEI, we must keep in mind that the democratically elected band councils of the communities along the pipeline’s route are in favour of the project.

How to Make Quebec’s Forestry Sector More Competitive

Quebec’s forestry sector has been quietly losing steam for several years. The new forest regime has raised operating costs and reduced the accessibility of the resource, all while making supply more uncertain for companies in the sector. At a time when the forestry industry is facing new challenges, how could the regime that governs its activities be adapted to help it address them?

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