
Energy Policies

Et les gens des régions dans tout ça?

Alors qu’il y a pénurie mondiale de gaz naturel et que les prix battent des records, le Québec balaye du revers de la main une occasion en or. C’est à n’y rien comprendre.

Interdiction de l’exploitation des hydrocarbures: Ne faisons pas rire de nous à l’international

Montréal, le 2 février 2022 — Aujourd’hui, le ministre de l’Énergie et des Ressources naturelles, Jonathan Julien, a déposé son projet de loi visant à interdire l’exploitation des hydrocarbures au Québec. Les chercheurs de l’IEDM croient que le gouvernement du Québec fait fausse route en offrant des indemnisations inéquitables aux entrepreneurs et sont d’avis que l’interdiction de l’exploitation des hydrocarbures est une bien mauvaise décision tant pour l’économie que pour l’environnement.

Electricity, CCUS, and net-zero

A new report by the International Energy Agency states that to achieve the climate goals the federal government has committed to, Canada would need to double or triple the electrical power generated from non-GHG-emitting energy sources.

Meeting Canada’s Energy Needs (2021)

With COP26 just coming to a close in Glasgow, only 25% of Canadians (and 36% of Quebecers) are of the opinion that this conference helped find solutions to climate change. Health care and the economy clearly remain the top priorities for the Canadian population, and 65% of Canadians are not prepared to pay a single cent more to fight climate change.

Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage: Concrete Market-Based Recommendations to Reduce GHG Emissions

With the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) set to begin in a few short days, governments are expected to double down on GHG emission reduction targets. A recent MEI publication described how carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technologies can allow governments to reach their targets without compromising our standard of living. This follow-up publication offers tangible solutions to encourage uptake of this new technology by entrepreneurs.

My energy transition

As manager of my own financial assets, I am a supporter of passive management. But since the start of 2021, I’ve made an exception with my family’s two TFSAs.

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