
Energy Policies

L’ère des grands projets doit sonner

Le Canada est le pire élève des pays membres de l’OCDE en matière d’investissements privés et nous devons effectivement voir divers projets se réaliser pour assurer notre croissance économique à long terme.

Canada’s Energy Strategy (2022)

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has upset the international political chessboard, with the ramifications of this war reaching as far as Canada. Indeed, according to an Ipsos poll commissioned by the Montreal Economic Institute, a strong majority of Canadians (72%) want us to export our vast energy resources to European countries, like Germany, that depend in large part on Russia for their supply, while only 17% are opposed to this. In Quebec, support remains very high, at 65%. Moreover, 68% of Canadians want us to build the necessary energy infrastructure, including pipelines, in order to export our resources to Europe. In Quebec, a majority (54%) is also in favour.

More Oil… Fewer Pipelines?

President Biden has acknowledged the need for more oil, and is looking for ways to get it from Canada, but without resurrecting the Keystone XL pipeline, which he killed his first day in office.

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