

Charter Schools Are Public Schools

Charter schools in Alberta are autonomous and non-profit, and they follow the curriculum set out by the province. Yet critics are complaining about the diversion of funding from public schools—even though charter schools are public schools.

Quebec Budget: Unsustainable Spending Growth

On Tuesday, March 22, the Quebec government tabled its 2022-2023 provincial budget. In this publication, we note the significant growth in portfolio spending in recent decades, taking into account the newly-released numbers, and we use different scenarios to illustrate the magnitude of this increase.

Liberté d’expression : la censure doit cesser

Montréal, le 29 septembre 2021 – Ce matin, de nouvelles données publiées par La Presse sont venues confirmer un constat pour le moins inquiétant : une majorité de professeurs d’université pratiquent l’autocensure. Nos chercheurs à l’Institut économique de Montréal ont souhaité chiffrer les pertes économiques associées à une diminution de la liberté d’expression au Québec.

How Can Quebec Become a Leader in Distance Learning?

The health measures adopted since the spring of 2020 have forced students to rediscover the pleasures of distance learning. Now that the necessary technological infrastructure is in place, is it feasible for Quebec universities to try to attract a larger international clientele? This publication examines how our universities could seize this new opportunity.

Send Money and Power to Classrooms, Not School Boards

If replacing school boards with service centres will give schools more of the autonomy they need to do the best job they can, and give more power to parents and students, then it’s the right move for both anglophone and francophone communities.

Monopoly school systems make even less sense now

Provincial governments in Ontario and across Canada should follow the example of states in the U.S. that have in the past year delivered the wider access to school choice that families want for their children.

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