
Fresh Takes

Blue Basket or Money Pit?

Last year, the Quebec government was peddling the idea of a home-grown Amazon that would come to the rescue of local businesses having a hard time due to the restrictions introduced by that same government.

Deficits will hit the middle class too

In Friday’s Financial Post, Philip Cross makes the important point that it is delusional to think that rivers of new deficit spending will not lead to middle-class tax hikes.

The government is responsible for restauranteurs’ woes

Restaurateurs and other merchants are worried. While most of them are already out of steam, the government has just announced that as of Thursday, it will close bars, restaurant dining rooms, concert halls, and theatres in red zones.

The economy holds its breath

For several days now, we’ve been told that Montreal and Quebec City will soon be moving to the “red” alert level, referring to the unfathomable, technocratic, paint-by-numbers table handed down by public health authorities.

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