

Hydrocarbons in Quebec: An Ill-Advised Ban

According to the authors of this publication, the Quebec government’s tabling of Bill 21 aiming to ban the exploration and production of hydrocarbons will hurt the province’s economic development potential and undermine its role in reducing global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

For a Stable Broadband Internet Framework Favouring Investment, Innovation, and Competition

According to the authors of this Economic Note, it is time for the CRTC to re-examine its regulatory framework and to gradually dismantle its wholesale pricing regime and put its trust in entrepreneurs. Instead of another about face on wholesale pricing, the authorities should stop overregulating the sector, and transition to a framework based on real, dynamic, facilities-based competition.

Real Solutions for What Ails Canada’s Health Care Systems – Lessons from Sweden and the United Kingdom

The Quebec government, through Health Minister Christian Dubé, will soon present its plan to overhaul the health care system. The MEI is proud to unveil this major study by economist Maria Lily Shaw on the best practices of the health care systems of Sweden and the United Kingdom—two examples that Quebec should follow if it really wants its reforms to be successful.

How to Reduce Construction Costs in Ontario – Modernizing the Construction Industry

The economic situation in recent years has pushed construction project costs up considerably. While this is true across the country, the regulatory framework governing the construction industry in Ontario poses additional challenges that further raise costs. After analyzing the application (or not) of Bill 66 by the cities Hamilton, Toronto, and the region of Waterloo, MEI researchers concluded that this bill has some blind spots, and that maintaining the status quo will have major repercussions not only on the province’s construction industry, but also on Ontario taxpayers.

Examining Canadian Competition in the Digital Era

The MEI is honoured to have been invited to participate in a consultation on the Canadian Competition Act in a continuing effort to ensure Canada has an effective and impactful competition law framework. We have read the discussion paper that examines whether digital markets have distinctive features that would invite significant changes to our competition law, prepared by Professor Edward M. Iacobucci, and wish to comment.

The Unintended Negative Consequences of Significantly Raising the Minimum Wage

Following Minister Jean Boulet’s announcement that the minimum wage in Quebec will go from $13.50 to $14.25 an hour, certain community groups and unions suggested that this was a missed opportunity to raise it to $18 an hour. The authors of this publication conclude that even though a hike to $18 an hour may seem beneficial for low-income workers, this steep 33% increase would have negative consequences on the financial health of a range of companies in the retail, food services, and accommodation sectors. They even maintain that many workers in these sectors could lose their jobs.

Is Populism Possible?

Populism seems to have gained some ground in recent years. Yet many economists and political scientists argue that there is no such thing as “the people” except as a collection of distinct individuals, with their own preferences and values. In this publication, author Pierre Lemieux shows that this reasoning has important practical implications for democracy.

Forestry: A Sector That Keeps Innovating

Contrary to perceptions disseminated by certain of its opponents, the forestry industry continues to innovate, and increasingly contributes to the fight against climate change. In this publication, co-authors Olivier Rancourt and Miguel Ouellette provide a survey of some of the innovations implemented by this industry.

Economic Freedom Leads to Greater Income Mobility

For several years now, a number of observers have noted a slowdown in economic and social mobility in Canada. While some try to establish a link between economic inequality and social mobility (that is, individuals’ potential to improve their lot), the reality is that bolstering economic freedom is a central piece of the puzzle. In this publication, authors Vincent Geloso and James Dean identify barriers to economic and social mobility that could easily be eliminated.

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