

For a Decentralized Vaccine Passport

It has already been over a year since the pandemic turned our lives upside down and governments severely curtailed our individual freedoms. Thankfully, the vaccination campaign is now in full swing, so we can hope for a return to a better quality of life in the near future. This publication argues for the introduction of a non-mandatory, decentralized vaccine passport to help make this happen.

Quebec’s COVID-19 LTC Disaster: Up to 6,700 Lives Could Have Been Saved

Nearly one year ago, the Quebec government decreed a temporary end to the transfer of COVID-19 patients to CHSLDs, Quebec’s long-term care centres. To this day, Quebec’s extremely high death count among seniors in CHSLDs continues to raise eyebrows. This publication from the Montreal Economic Institute calls into question the inevitability of these deaths.

Internal Trade Provincial Leadership Index – 2021 Edition

With the vaccine rollout in full swing, the public’s attention is increasingly focused on economic recovery. The authors of this Research Paper propose a very simple solution: a true free trade agreement among the Canadian provinces. This publication includes among other things a ranking of the provinces and territories according to their openness to internal trade. Alberta takes first place, and Quebec comes in last.

Entrepreneurs Stepped Up in Response to COVID-19

For over a year now, the spotlight has been on governments and the actions they have taken in the context of the pandemic, sometimes obscuring the great contribution of entrepreneurs in maintaining a certain quality of life for Canadians in these difficult times. This publication lifts the veil on the efforts made by entrepreneurs to reinvent themselves, pick up the pace, and help us meet this challenge.

Canada Must Reconsider Its Pipeline Strategy

The revoking of Keystone XL’s permit by US President Joe Biden his first day in office highlights the risk for Canada of depending on a single country for its petroleum product exports. This Economic Note points out that the construction of new pipelines on Canadian soil would help the country reduce this risk and maximize revenues from oil exports, thus encouraging job creation and improving Canadians’ living standards.

Restarting Canada’s Energy Sector − Innovation and the Spirit of the Coureur des Bois

Based on our analysis and findings, the blueprint for restarting Canada’s energy sector is very simple. Nearly all the breakthroughs and advances were the work of individuals or companies, which had the pressure of dealing with an immediate problem or constraints that required a new approach. The question should be about what should be done, and not done, by government.

Quebec Must Set Up a Standing Expenditure Review Committee

The return to a balanced budget in the medium term is necessary, and it must be achieved by controlling governmental expenditures. One way to do this is to set up a standing expenditure review committee, as the federal government did following the financial crisis of 2008-2009, shows this publication.

How Does the Trump Administration’s Budgetary Record Compare?

As he takes office, President Joe Biden is inheriting a health crisis, an economic crisis compared by some to the 1929 crisis, and mismanaged public finances. This Economic Note sketches a picture of the budgetary policy of President Trump, under whose management the federal government’s debt grew by 36%.

Consultations prébudgétaires 2021

L’année 2021 s’annonce comme étant charnière pour la survie de nombreuses entreprises québécoises. Les mesures sanitaires mises en place dans la foulée de la pandémie ont eu pour effet de freiner les opérations d’un grand nombre de commerces et d’entreprises qui fournissent des emplois aux familles du Québec. Afin d’assurer le maintien et la progression de notre niveau de vie, le gouvernement devra poser des gestes concrets.

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