
Media Releases

Health care and the federal election: An ever-growing majority of Canadians open to enlarged access to private health care, according to a new Leger Marketing survey

Montreal, December 15, 2005 – According to a Leger Marketing survey commissioned by the Montreal Economic Institute (MEI), 58% of the Canadian population would agree to the State allowing speedier access to private health care for those willing to pay for it, while maintaining the current free and universal health care system.

No clear link between party in power in Ottawa and government revenues and expenditures, says the Montreal Economic Institute

Montreal, December 13, 2005 – Contrary to popular belief, there is no correlation between the state of public finances and the party in power in Ottawa, according to a document published today by the Montreal Economic Institute (MEI). Observing the tendencies of the last four decades, it is impossible to determine who, between the Liberals and the Conservatives, are more likely to control spending and the tax burden.

Caring for Canadians requires better balance, more choice – Volume II of Manning, Harris series says flawed federalism puts social programs at risk

Montreal, October 24, 2005 – In a new Montreal Economic Institute-Fraser Institute policy paper, Preston Manning and Mike Harris say Canada can dramatically improve its approach to K-12 education, welfare, health and child care by better balancing federal/provincial responsibilities, offering more freedom of choice, and empowering Canadians with personal responsibility.

Canadian Healthcare Manager honours Dr. Jacques Chaoulli

Montreal, October 14, 2005 – The Montreal Economic Institute (MEI) is pleased to announce that Canadian Healthcare Manager magazine (Rogers Media) named Dr. Jacques Chaoulli the winner of its annual “Who’s Who in Healthcare” prize in the Healthcare Provider category.

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