
Media Releases

A new approach is needed to tackle the underground economy

Montreal, October 30, 2007 – Canada’s underground economy represents about 5% of the country’s gross domestic product, amounting to $75 billion. The underground economy includes goods and services that are produced, exchanged or consumed in violation of the law. These activities are illegal either because the law prohibits production or consumption of the goods or services concerned, as in the case of narcotics (referred to as black markets) or because legal goods or services are exchanged under illegal conditions.

Awaiting the Johnson Commission report – Public-private partnerships and tolls can finance highway renewal

Montreal, October 11, 2007 – Public-private partnerships (PPP), financed by tolls, can provide an advantageous way of carrying out a substantial number of highway renewal projects. In a series of three Economic Notes published by the Montreal Economic Institute, economist Mathieu Laberge says this could enable the Quebec government to save public funds in future reconstruction work on the Turcot interchange, the Metropolitan highway or, eventually, the Louis-Hippolyte-Lafontaine bridge and tunnel. “International experience shows that PPPs can help finance not only the construction but also the renewal of highways and other road infrastructure,” Mr. Laberge states.

Léger Marketing poll – Quebeckers are ready for a return of tolls

Montreal, October 11, 2007 – According to a Léger Marketing poll commissioned by the Montreal Economic Institute, more than half of Quebeckers (52%) hold the view that tolls are the best of several suggested options for getting highway users to finance rebuilding projects. The poll was conducted to accompany the release of three Economic Notes by the Institute on financing the maintenance of highways through public-private partnerships and tolls.

Comparing and competing would improve municipal services

Montreal, September 18, 2007 – Although the municipal administration just required budget cuts amounting to $100 million from its departments and boroughs, it is possible to believe that Montreal could do more and, most of all, better. Mayor Tremblay and officials in other cities could adopt two strategies that have helped reduce the cost of municipal services outside Quebec while enhancing their quality. In an Economic Note published by the Montreal Economic Institute, economist Mathieu Laberge explains that “good municipal governance includes systematic comparisons of efficiency as well as putting services up to competitive tender with the private sector.”

Privatizing Hydro-Québec to get full value for our “blue gold”

Montreal, August 29, 2007 – In a conference today in Montreal, Marcel Boyer, vice president of the Montreal Economic Institute, and Claude Garcia, former president of Standard Life, stated that partial or full privatization of Hydro-Québec would produce greater value for our water resources.

The role of the private sector is growing in Quebec’s health care system

Montreal, August 9, 2007 – Although private financing of health care may be controversial, Quebec has experienced continuous growth in private health spending over the last 25 years. In 2006, it amounted to $8.6 billion. This represents 28.4% of overall health care spending (up from 20.3% in 1981). In an Economic Note published by the Montreal Economic Institute, vice president and chief economist Marcel Boyer and economist Mathieu Laberge review the costs paid by users of health care services.

The Swedish model works because the country had the courage to liberalize its economy, says the Montreal Economic Institute

Montreal, July 19, 2007 – In public discussions on the role and size of government in the economy, certain Quebec intellectuals and politicians can be heard praising the Swedish model. They often neglect to mention that Sweden experienced serious problems with public finances and unemployment in the early 1990s and that it got back on the road to prosperity by engaging in wise and courageous reforms focused on liberalizing its economy.

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