
Media Releases

Quebec developed more quickly during the Great Darkness than during the Quiet Revolution

Tuesday, January 15, 2012 – Most historians claim that the province of Quebec experienced a dark period during the “Grande Noirceur” or “Great Darkness.” However, the statistical data for the period contradict this interpretation. Far from experiencing the relative decline and growing gap suggested by history books, Quebec instead went through a period of “Great Convergence” both economically and socially from 1945 to 1960, according to Vincent Geloso, Ph.D.

The Montreal Economic Institute rewards economic education in the media

Montreal, December 12, 2011 — The Montreal Economic Institute (MEI) has awarded its two annual economic education prizes, each accompanied by a $3,000 grant, to Peter Foster, business columnist for the Financial Post, and Mario Dumont, host of the public affairs program Dumont on the V television network.

We would need to raise taxes on the “rich” to over 100% in order to eliminate Quebec’s deficit

Montreal, December 6, 2011 – Voices are being heard, in Europe, in the United States and here in Canada (notably Brian Topp's), calling for a tax hike on the “rich” in order to address massive levels of government debt. An Economic Note published today by the Montreal Economic Institute (MEI) explains that to eliminate the Quebec government’s $3.8-billion deficit for this year, the income tax rate for those earning $250,000 or more would have to rise above 100%.

The MEI recommends a dose of entrepreneurship for the health care system

Montreal, November 24, 2011 – The federal government and several of the provinces have officially declared 2011 the “Year of the Entrepreneur.” In this spirit, the Montreal Economic Institute (MEI) today launches a publication explaining how entrepreneurial initiatives could bring innovation and dynamism to the health sector and provide the population with better care.

David Gratzer joins Montreal Economic Institute as senior fellow

Montreal – November 04, 2011 – The Montreal Economic Institute (MEI) is proud to announce that renowned Canadian physician and author David Gratzer has joined it as senior fellow. Dr. Gratzer is the author of celebrated works on health policy, including Code Blue: Reviving Canada's Health Care System (1999) and The Cure: How Capitalism Can Save American Health Care (2006), with a foreword by Milton Friedman.

Ohio referendum on public-sector collective bargaining: The MEI reports

Montreal, October 27, 2011 – Ohioans will be called upon this November 8 to vote in a referendum on a reform that would limit collective bargaining in the public sector. This reform would also remove the right to strike from 300,000 municipal and school employees. The Viewpoint published today by the Montreal Economic Institute (MEI) provides an overview of the situation to help people better understand the issues involved.

La CSQ démontre que l’IEDM est plus transparent que les syndicats

Montreal, October 19, 2011 – En réaction au cahier de recherche Le financement et la transparence des syndicat publié hier par l'Institut économique de Montréal (IEDM), la CSQ fait la démonstration dans un communiqué que le seuil de transparence de l’IEDM est de loin supérieur à celui actuellement exigé des organisations syndicales.

The MEI proposes greater financial transparency for unions, like in France

Montreal, October 18, 2011 – Two bills concerning the financial transparency of union organizations were recently introduced just days apart, one in Ottawa by MP Russ Hiebert and the other in Quebec City by Labour Minister Lise Thériault. A Research Paper published today by the Montreal Economic Institute (MEI) looks into the reasons why the detailed financial statements of union organizations should be disclosed to the public and the ways in which this greater transparency would benefit both unions and unionized workers.

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