
Media Releases

Shale gas: Quebec farmers are missing out on a golden opportunity

Montreal, Wednesday, May 27, 2015 – In the debate over the development of shale gas, the voices of environmentalist groups have to date carried further than the voices of those who favour development. But what about those who have natural gas wells on their land? An Economic Note published today by the MEI presents the testimony of actors who have often been overlooked in the media frenzy.

By pursuing its interventions in the telecommunications sector, Ottawa is hurting both the industry and consumers

Montreal, May 7, 2015 – The numerous interventions carried out by the federal government to encourage the establishment of a 4th wireless telephony player across the country will hurt consumers by undermining innovation in this industry. This is all the more worrisome given that important technological revolutions are in the works that will require billions of dollars of investments from the country’s telecommunications companies. This is one of the conclusions of the 2015 edition of The State of Competition in Canada’s Telecommunications Industry, a Research Paper published today by the MEI.

A greater role for pharmacists to reduce health care wait times: The reform does not go far enough

Montreal, April 30, 2015 – While Quebec’s public health care system struggles to respond adequately to the needs of patients, and the costs of the system keep rising rapidly, the reform aiming to increase the role of pharmacists in the provision of front-line health care services should go further, along the lines of what has been put in place successfully in the other provinces, according to an MEI study published today.

Quebec’s energy choices cost taxpayers $1.7 billion a year

Montreal, April 23, 2015 – If Quebec spent less money subsidizing uneconomical energy projects, all while authorizing the development of its resources—especially its oil resources—the province’s taxpayers, and the government too, would be much richer, demonstrates the MEI in a Viewpoint on “Quebec’s Energy Choices.”

Quebecers’ tax burden: We’ve reached the tipping point

Montreal, Tuesday, April 14, 2015 – Quebec income taxes and other levies have become so heavy that they are undermining economic growth and reducing the disposable incomes of Quebecers, according to a Viewpoint on the tax burden of Quebecers published today by the MEI.

How would you like to wait six months to see a dentist?

Montreal, March 31, 2015 – With jam-packed emergency rooms and long months spent waiting to see a specialist, it’s not surprising that only 35% of Canadians aged 55 and over are satisfied with our mostly public health care system, according to a recent Commonwealth Fund poll. Fortunately, there exists another health care system, an essentially private one that works very well.

Development of natural resources: Aboriginal communities as business partners

Montreal, March 19, 2015 – While the Quebec government was giving the green light this week to the development of the Arnaud Mine project near Sept-Îles, on the North Shore, opponents and supporters alike wasted no time making their voices heard. On what basis can we move forward on these debates surrounding natural resource development projects? Do any agreements exist that can satisfy all the parties?

Collective bargaining: confusion regarding a “wage freeze”

Montreal, March 12, 2015 – While the government and the public sector unions are negotiating the renewal of collective agreements, the figures discussed in the public debate fail to include an important part of the picture: the annual pay grade progression of employees.

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