
Media Releases

University funding: Quebec should emulate France… but for the right reasons

Montreal, October 10, 2015 – The student demonstrations that took place in the spring of 2012 gave new life to the issue of free university tuition, with some citing France’s public university system as a model. A short documentary produced by the MEI shows that the Quebec university system could indeed take inspiration from the French example, but for the right reasons, reminding viewers that that system allows for the peaceful coexistence of almost-free public universities and Grandes Écoles.

Public spending cuts foster economic growth

Montreal, October 8, 2015 – Seven years after the financial crisis, budgetary rigour remains at the heart of economic debates in Canada and in most Western countries. It is important, though, to properly distinguish various “austerity” measures—and their effects—in evaluating a country’s economic policies, states an Economic Note published today by the MEI.

The taxation of mutual funds delays Canadians’ retirement goals by 5 months

Montreal, Thursday, October 1st, 2015 – Governments slow down Canadians’ efforts to save for retirement by unduly inflating mutual fund management fees, according to a Viewpoint published today by the MEI.

The share of sales taxes in the management fees paid by holders of mutual funds is more than 8%. This proportion is only between 1% and 3% for a guaranteed investment certificate, and is 0% when Canadians directly purchase securities like stocks and bonds.

More autonomy for teachers and principals would improve academic results

Montreal, August 27, 2015 – Giving teachers and school principals more control over course content and teaching methods, all while rewarding or penalizing them according to the consequences of their decisions, could improve academic results, according to an Economic Note published today by the MEI.

2,931 jobs and $367 million threatened in Quebec due to caribou recovery plan

Montreal, August 20, 2015 – Is it reasonable to sacrifice 2,931 jobs and $367 million of economic activity for the (uncertain) preservation of 96 caribou per year in Quebec? This is just what could happen if the government further restricts logging activities in order to protect this animal, according to an Economic Note published today by the MEI.

A public pharmacare monopoly would harm Canadians

Montreal, August 11, 2015 – In the last few months, the issue of drug insurance has returned to the forefront of public debate in Canada. Some of those speaking out on the topic have suggested replacing the current mixed public-private system run by the provinces with a fully public national pharmacare plan to make sure everyone is covered and to reduce costs. But this type of plan risks harming Canadians by limiting their access to drugs, says an Economic Note issued today by the Montreal Economic Institute (MEI).

Greek tragedy: Budgetary irresponsibility at the heart of the problem

Montreal, Tuesday, July 14, 2015 – The Greek crisis unfolding before our eyes is the result of a long history of budgetary irresponsibility and ruinous public spending decisions, explains a Viewpoint on the situation in Greece published today by the MEI.

“The Greek public finance crisis did not appear overnight. The Greek government has been living beyond its means for a very long time,” says Mathieu Bédard, economist at the MEI and author of the publication.

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